Caroline Phillips


Caroline Phillips
“Caroline Phillips is a tenacious and skilful writer with a flair for high quality interviewing and a knack for making things work.”

Caroline Phillips


All Health, Beauty & Spa articles

Dude looks like a lady

Spear’s | 13 Sep 2010

It used to be a man’s world. But since the credit crunch men have increasingly been turning to everything from make-up and cosmetic surgery to hormone replacement therapy. Now chaps are having to play a woman’s game. Men in high-powered jobs are expected to be eternally youthful, to display endless stamina and vigour. And, on top of this, increasingly, they’re judged on their looks.

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Return to glory

Spa Secrets | 6 Apr 2010

Two of the sector’s main growth areas are teenage spas and home spas. Putting the two together is a winning combination. Our daughter requested a pampering party for her 12th birthday, so we contacted Return to Glory, 180-strong company of freelance therapists who provide anything from beauty treatments to personal fitness in homes, offices and hotels.

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Do we know the power of yoga?

Evening Standard | 24 Jun 2009

ONE woman has thrown away the wheelchair to which she was confined for two years. She suffered from ME (chronic fatigue) for 15 years and now, confounding medical orthodoxy, is symptom-free. Another patient says he endured asthma intermittently for 30 years – and is now cured. Improbably, both say their transformation is down to yoga. They are not alone, because many major health benefits are now being claimed for the discipline.

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Worst of times, best of care

The Telegraph | 30 Jun 2008

When her father was taken to hospital last month after a car crash, Caroline Phillips prepared herself for an NHS horror story. What happened was very different.

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I want to find a cure for childhood epilepsy

YOU Magazine | 22 Jun 2008

Ann Maxwell has always aimed high. So when she discovered her son Muir had a rare form of epilepsy, she made it her goal to help other families affected by the condition. Her energy and determination made her the unanimous choice of the judges to win 2008’s Clarins Most Dynamisante Woman of the Year, and the £30,000 award which goes with it – an even more remarkable story considering the life-threatening illness Ann is facing herself.

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Nature or science?

Evening Standard | 27 Nov 2007

THE MOST important beauty issue for women approaching 40 is how to reverse the ageing process. Increasing numbers of Londoners are opting for surgery to banish wrinkles and sagging skin but there are less drastic options if you want to look 10 years younger.

The natural path involves using creams and trying holistic health treatments to improve the appearance of skin. Or there is the scientific approach – cuttingedge anti-ageing technology such as oxygen treatments and chemical peels.

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Inside London’s five-star rehab clinic

Evening Standard | 18 Sep 2007

THERE’S nothing outside the elegant stucco Chelsea townhouse to indicate the extraordinary things that go on inside.

Nothing to show why the rich, famous and just plain troubled now store this discreet address in their BlackBerries. A peer of the realm and a young woman stand on the pavement chatting. “It’s great that you’re also dealing with your sex compulsion,” she says. He smiles.

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My iron woman challenge

Evening Standard | 31 Jul 2007

A WALK around Selfridges was once my idea of aerobic exertion.

Then a few months ago my brain synapses must have got twisted, because I started working out thrice weekly.

I was able to run, say, for 40 minutes without stopping. And I was able to swim gentle lengths of breaststroke.

But when a friend suggested doing a triathlon – that’s swimming outdoors, biking and running over silly distances – I should have checked into rehab.

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The merciless Mr Bean

Evening Standard | 16 May 2006

Jemima Khan has the give-away sinewy arms. Then there’s Leonie Frieda with her sculpted body, not to mention Lady Cosima Somerset, former confidante of Princess Diana, with her gym-toned physique. These are all Bean’s Babes: girls who have been put through their paces by Tim Bean, probably the world’s most sought-after personal trainer-cum-nutritionist.

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