Caroline Phillips


Caroline Phillips
“Caroline Phillips is a tenacious and skilful writer with a flair for high quality interviewing and a knack for making things work.”

Caroline Phillips


All Current Affairs articles

Oxbridge secrets

School House | 6 Mar 2017

‘The first thing I want to do is get rid of this mystique,’ says Barry Webb, an English scholar and former Oxbridge admissions tutor, as he kicks off the first session of a three-day intensive residential course for Oxbridge interview preparation with a talk about what our interviewers will be looking for.

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In Calais

London Review of Books | 24 Dec 2015

At the Jules Ferry refugee centre in Calais on Saturday there were hundreds of men clamouring to get in to listen to Handel’s Messiah but the gates were closed, with 700 people already inside. I was there with Play 4 Calais, an offshoot of the Lexi social enterprise cinema in North London, spearheaded by the actress Alix Wilton Regan. The aim was to bring four days of film screenings to some of the Jungle refugee camp’s estimated 6500 inhabitants, including children who are waiting to be reunited with their parents in the UK.

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Short cuts

London Review of Books | 9 Oct 2014

As we stepped off the ferry onto the Aegean island of Symi in late August, our thoughts were on sunbathing and sailing. But the first thing we saw was a group of what we soon discovered were Syrians carrying small backpacks holding those few possessions they hadn’t lost during the crossing from Turkey. A week later, the number of frightened, hungry and exhausted refugees had grown substantially; when we arrived there were about fifty, now there were around two hundred. An old man with gashes on his face sat bleeding in 30° heat for ten hours waiting for a doctor. He slumped forward, seemingly drunk from dehydration. He’d hit his face against the rocks when the Greek port police fired a shot in the air. Symi is the island closest to the Turkish mainland; the same thing is happening on many other outlying islands.

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Sun, sea, sand and a spell of humanitarian intervention

The Sunday Times | 7 Sep 2014

As we stepped off the Dodekanisos Pride ferry onto the Greek island of Symi for our late August beach holiday, our thoughts were on sunbathing and sailing. But our first sight was of 48 dispossessed Syrians carrying backpacks containing their worldly possessions. Within a week their numbers had grown to more than 200 and we could ignore their misery no longer.

Spending our last four days among them, we came across a septuagenarian with facial gashes who sat bleeding in 30C heat waiting for a doctor, as he had for 10 hours. He had hit his face against rocks when the Greek port police fired a shot in the air.

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Aerial superstar

Lusso | 3 Dec 2013

Super-jumbo aviation arrived this summer in the UK with the delivery to Heathrow of British Airways’ first A380. The arrival of an all-new, swings and bells airliner is a bigger event than things from Outer Space hitting earth, (unless you’re talking the 650kg Chelyabinsk meteor that hit Russia in February). Small meteorites hit earth daily; whereas it was as long ago as 1970 when the last aerial megastar – the then Queen of the Skies, the Boeing 747 – first landed.

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Worst of times, best of care

The Telegraph | 30 Jun 2008

When her father was taken to hospital last month after a car crash, Caroline Phillips prepared herself for an NHS horror story. What happened was very different.

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I want to find a cure for childhood epilepsy

YOU Magazine | 22 Jun 2008

Ann Maxwell has always aimed high. So when she discovered her son Muir had a rare form of epilepsy, she made it her goal to help other families affected by the condition. Her energy and determination made her the unanimous choice of the judges to win 2008’s Clarins Most Dynamisante Woman of the Year, and the £30,000 award which goes with it – an even more remarkable story considering the life-threatening illness Ann is facing herself.

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Clouding a life and death issue

The Express | 25 Aug 1996

Somewhere in London is a pregnant young woman – we call her Miss B – who is due to give birth to a healthy brother or sister for her existing toddler. Miss B has no money and nobody to support her. Until a few weeks ago, she was expecting healthy twins, conceived naturally, without any fertility treatment or medical intervention.

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