Caroline Phillips


Caroline Phillips
“Caroline Phillips is a tenacious and skilful writer with a flair for high quality interviewing and a knack for making things work.”

Caroline Phillips


All Evening Standard articles

Perfect for Dior

Evening Standard | 8 Jun 2016

Peter Marino – known in his circles as Peter the Great – is one of the world’s most sought-after architects and the fashionistas’ favourite. He’s designed hundreds of shops for super-brands – Chanel and Louis Vuitton among them. And this week he displays his creative genius in the transformation of two magnificent Georgian Mayfair townhouses that have become the House of Dior boutique.

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Every picture tells a colourful story

Evening Standard | 11 Jun 2014

You get a good idea about freelance stylist Mary Fellowes just by looking at her walls. There’s a frmed obituary of her uncle – Hugh van Cutsem, erstwhile confidant of the Prince of Wales – and, nearby, there is another about her grandmother, Lady Margaret Fortescue, who inherited one of Britain’s largest land-holdings. There is also a Polaroid selfie of Fellowes with Paris Hilton – signed by the hotels heiress.

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Kensal Rise has risen

Evening Standard | 4 Jun 2014

Welcome to Brent — once called the drive-by-shooting capital of the UK. Before that it was the People’s Republic of Brent, ravaged by poverty and famed from the late Eighties for outspoken local MP “Red” Ken Livingstone, London’s first elected mayor.

When I moved to Kensal Rise in Brent, the place was derided. But “The Rise” has now risen, earning a reputation as a celebrity haunt-meets-Nappy Valley. Last year Brent experienced Britain’s fastest-rising house prices, outpacing even the oligarch hotspots of Kensington and Knightsbridge.

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Ask the family

Evening Standard | 10 Oct 2012

The plane lands to an unusual chorus. “Santo bravo,” the plane’s incumbents, many of them schoolchildren, shout and clap. “They are thanking the pilot,” explains my octogenarian neighbour, an Italian lady in black. It’s our first insight into the warmth of the Apulians, as the locals are known. Welcome to Bari in Puglia, high on Italy’s heel.

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The spice is right in Kerala

Evening Standard | 6 Jan 2010

Coconut with everything. That’s how my youngest daughter happily sums up our culinary tour of Kerala, south India.

Our first lesson takes place in the kitchen of a colonial bungalow overlooking the Arabian Sea.

Wearing a blue sari and apron, our cookery teacher, Faiza Moosa, stands next to 16 dishes of pungent spices, from fiery chillies to local cloves.

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The sound of music

Evening Standard | 8 Jul 2009

NOT heard of Lili Tarkow-Reinisch yet?

Well, you soon will. She’s one of London’s hottest new songwriters.

Her lyrics are being promoted across the Atlantic to Grammy-award winning singers like Carrie Underwood, and to American Idol.

Not bad going, considering Lili is also a full-time psychotherapist, wife, mother of two, Aikido black belt and marathon runner.

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Do we know the power of yoga?

Evening Standard | 24 Jun 2009

ONE woman has thrown away the wheelchair to which she was confined for two years. She suffered from ME (chronic fatigue) for 15 years and now, confounding medical orthodoxy, is symptom-free. Another patient says he endured asthma intermittently for 30 years – and is now cured. Improbably, both say their transformation is down to yoga. They are not alone, because many major health benefits are now being claimed for the discipline.

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Rebirth of Kensal Rise

Evening Standard | 18 Feb 2009

Ever since the tornado ripped through Kensal rise, north-west London, two years ago – damaging 150 homes and rendering 50 (including ours) uninhabitable – the area has become well known.

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Caroline’s favourite Evening Standard articles

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