Caroline Phillips


Caroline Phillips
“Caroline Phillips is a tenacious and skilful writer with a flair for high quality interviewing and a knack for making things work.”

Caroline Phillips


Caroline’s favourite articles from 2007

Nature or science?

Evening Standard | 27 Nov 2007

THE MOST important beauty issue for women approaching 40 is how to reverse the ageing process. Increasing numbers of Londoners are opting for surgery to banish wrinkles and sagging skin but there are less drastic options if you want to look 10 years younger.

The natural path involves using creams and trying holistic health treatments to improve the appearance of skin. Or there is the scientific approach – cuttingedge anti-ageing technology such as oxygen treatments and chemical peels.

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Falling for Ste Foy

Daily Mail | 17 Nov 2007

First, I have a confession to make. I ski in the manner of Bridget Jones: bottom out, legs akimbo, terror on my face. I don’t like heights, I dislike the cold and I find the idea of tearing down a mountain with a pair of skis strapped to my feet deeply unsettling.

In contrast, my husband, Adrian, likes nothing more than to hurtle down a black run at 150 miles an hour with a broad smile on his face and our nine and 12-year-old daughters, Ella and Anya, overtaking him.

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Inside London’s five-star rehab clinic

Evening Standard | 18 Sep 2007

THERE’S nothing outside the elegant stucco Chelsea townhouse to indicate the extraordinary things that go on inside.

Nothing to show why the rich, famous and just plain troubled now store this discreet address in their BlackBerries. A peer of the realm and a young woman stand on the pavement chatting. “It’s great that you’re also dealing with your sex compulsion,” she says. He smiles.

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My iron woman challenge

Evening Standard | 31 Jul 2007

A WALK around Selfridges was once my idea of aerobic exertion.

Then a few months ago my brain synapses must have got twisted, because I started working out thrice weekly.

I was able to run, say, for 40 minutes without stopping. And I was able to swim gentle lengths of breaststroke.

But when a friend suggested doing a triathlon – that’s swimming outdoors, biking and running over silly distances – I should have checked into rehab.

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Queen of shopping

Evening Standard | 25 Jul 2007

MUMBAI – as Bombay is now known – may not be the fist place that comes to mind when planning a shopping spree in search of homeware. But for about £1,000 (which includes return air fare, a Sheraton hotel room and a day with spent with a car a driver and a personal shopper), you can take a long weekend in the Indian business capital and come home laden with home goodies. Traveltakes about the same time as flying to New York.

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The urban ruralist

Country House Magazine | 21 Apr 2007

I’m not the type who finds it pleasurable to relieve myself behind trees or have calamitous journeys just to get lost in country lanes littered with reeking mounds of bovine excrement. (Personally, I’d poop-scoop cow pats.) Others may enjoy the experience of losing their mobile signal and collecting blackberries with not a BlackBerry in sight. Not me.

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